Monday, June 15, 2020

Bad Sides of Influenza Vaccine

BLOG In: How to The initial vaccine was created more than 200 years ago. Since then, a huge amount of drugs have appeared from a range of diseases, including flu, though the answer to the most vital question whether to give vaccinations is still not clear. Vaccination against influenza has its pros and cons. Let's try to figure out this issue. Influenza: the great and terrible Influenza viruses rapidly spread by airborne droplets during sneezing, coughing and even talking. The transmission of the disease is possible through personal belongings, household items, children's toys. From the moment of infection until the appearance of the first symptoms 2 to 5 days pass, and the patient sharply develops high body temperature. The person becomes irritable, he / she has a headache, aches in joints and muscles, lethargy, strong weakness. A couple of days after the onset of the flu, there is cough and a slightly runny nose. These late and not very obvious signs are, perhaps, the major difference between the influenza and the rest of viral diseases which affect the respiratory system. With influenza, there appear no intestinal disorders, but when they arise, it means still there is some kind of infection, or the organism responds to healing in such a way. To get an essay and find out more information about it, please, contact our best custom essay service for suppor t. The severity of flu depends on many factors: the general state of physical condition and number of years of the patient, whether he / she was infected with the virus earlier. It may be said that the consequences and adverse effects of influenza are much more dangerous than the disease itself. In a number of cases, it causes serious damage to the cardiovascular system, lungs and even the brain. Influenza sharply worsens immunity and may result in death in the mature persons and kids. If you are interested in good human cloning essays, our writers can help you. Flu is dangerous for everyone. Kids are defenseless against it, because they did not have time to grow protective bodies, the elderly people - because their antibodies "do not function" due to the weakening of protection. The major feature of influenza is that the person who has recovered from it remains susceptible to repeated infection, because the disease virus is very variable. When students need more information about it, they type write me essay quickly and get an excellent paper from our writers. According to the CDC, approximately 5% to 20% of Americans get ill with influenza annually. More than 200,000 people are hospitalized and approximately 36,000 people die. It is believed that these statistics would be significantly less if more persons were immunized. In the vast majority of cases, vaccines are injected, but there is an alternative way - through the nasal mucosa. For that matter, the threat of undesirable consequences is reduced and local immunity is formed.Who needs to receive a flu shot? Medical authorities claim that injection against flu is necessary for children between the ages of 6 months to 3 years, children that often fall ill and who visit children's institutions. Vaccination is suggested for patients in hospitals, persons with unrelieved diseases and immunity disorders, persons over 65 number of years. In this category, the incidence of disease is almost 10 times higher than in other age categories, and the flu shot not only defends against flu, but as well reduces the frequency and severity of heart attacks and strokes. Employees of sanatoriums and polyclinics, teachers and personnel of child care institutions must be immunized each year. If you ask type my essay online on this topic, well be glad to help. But contraindications to vaccination against flu also exist. Persons that are not suggested for immunization are: Patients with egg allergy. Patients that encountered a bad reaction to the previous shot. Patients with a rare neurological disease - Guillain-Barre syndrome. Possible adverse reactions of injection Vaccination may result in soreness, redness and swelling of the hand. In addition, febriculosity and myalgia can arise. Some patients may have such symptoms: sore head, nasal cold, pharyngitis, coughing and body pain. In some cases, fever is also possible. You can get the best essay or paper online on this or any other topic on our website. An injection against flu ought to be done well in advance prior to the epidemic of flu, in September-October, ahead of the start of the period of the appearance of colds (December-February). It is necessary to take into account that the drug begins to act only 2 weeks after the injection. After immunization, an individual develops immunity for 12 months, which is effectual only for a specific strain of the flu germ. Therefore, you have to get immunized each year. If you suffer from depression, you may need to read this post: During immunization, an individual can face a number of complications. These comprise a slight increase in temperature to 37.5 degrees, slight malaise, swelling and pain in the place of administration of the shot. Students who are not sure in their medical papers ask us check my essay for errors online and get the needed assistance. More posts in this section: 7 Tips on How to Find Best College Assignments Help Online Competent Homework Essay Help Will Solve Writing Problems Academic Assignment Help Is Available on Our Website Thesis Writing Services: Choose The Best One Pay To Write Paper And Be Satisfied With Result How does the flu short function? Two weeks following the drug is administered, protective bodies against the flu virus accumulate in the organism, after which the organism becomes resistant to the disease. Leukocytes produce protective antibodies that do not allow viruses in the organism to multiply. The effect of the flu shot is 70-90%, it is conditional on the specific type of vaccine. Specialists distinguish 2 types of vaccination depending on the manufacturing technology: inactivated and live. Live vaccines contain a weakened recombinant flu virus. The vaccine is used by spraying into the nose, it defends not just from influenza viruses, but also from different types of ARVI. For the formation of resistance, one-time spraying of the drug is sufficient. If you need to obtain a paper about it and are ready to pay professionals for essays, we are waiting for your order. The basis of inactivated vaccines is a whole killed virus. Such preparations are purified from egg proteins, which are capable of causing an allergic reaction. They are introduced into the body via intranasal channel, intramuscularly or deeply subcutaneously. These vaccines are the most effective and form immunity against the specific kinds of flu which are included in the shot, in addition to specific defense. Contraindications to immunization against flu: Intolerance of the constituent components of the shot. For example, in case an individual has an allergy to egg protein or special preservatives that are used in some kinds of vaccines. In the presence of severe pathologies - colds, intestinal infections or exacerbation of chronic diseases. Injection ought to be carried out 2-3 weeks subsequent to recovery. Immunization has be performed only when the human body is healthy, since the flu shot is an additional burden on immunity. It is forbidden to re-vaccinate if previous vaccinations have produced a negative effect or complications occurred. It is forbidden to vaccinate expectant females and females for the duration of lactation. With diabetes, chronic kidney and metabolic maladies; for some period its contraindicated to carry out immunization with meningitis, viral hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis. To know more about diabetes, follow this link: Injection against influenza: for or against? Arguments "against": - The immunization is not capable of protecting the organism against influenza entirely; - It is better to improve immunity in natural methods, without resorting to the aid of the pharmacological industry. Essay on health care can help in this concern; - In some cases, injection against flu might not strengthen, but weaken immunity; - It is impossible to foresee for 100% the way the body of this or that individual reacts to a certain flu shot. Arguments for: - Immunization protects against possible adverse effects of influenza that is especially important for small children and persons with poor physical condition; - The danger of dying from flu in immunized individuals is reduced in several times; - Vaccination provides protection not only from those influenza strains that contain the vaccine, but from all others. So, at the forefront of the autumn-winter period, when most epidemics occur, doctors always start talking about preventive measures against influenza, one of which is flu shot. Whether to get flu shot or not is a strictly individual decision of each person, which should be taken after studying all the pros and cons of vaccination. Other popular posts: Global Ecological Issues in Environmental Essay Heroism Essay: What Does It Mean To Be a Hero? Legalization of Cannabis Essay: Advantages and Disadvantages

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